mental health

my 21 day self care challenge

The truth…

Okay, so here’s the truth. Lately i haven’t been feeling too good, my mood’s been changing constantly, i’m loosing my affectionate side and i just don’t have the energy to do anything. I’m staying in my home, not socialising, ignoring friends and distancing my self from my other half. Recently i have been prescribed new medication, but for medication to start working you need to give them at least 2 weeks to get in to your system, so before i start feeling better, i guess in a way i will feel worse first. However, the struggles I’ve been through before, I’ve learned to recognise the signs of when i need to take action before becoming seriously depressed and ill.

Self care

Self care is about finding  what we can do on a regular basis to help reduce our stress and negativity. Finding solutions to solve the stress from daily pressures or life and finding time to relax and unwind. We need to protect our self esteem, health and well being, by finding actions and routines to engage with.

My challenge

I have decided to create my own 21 day self care challenge. The idea behind this is to focus on my self, feel more confident, get organised and try to lower my stress levels. I have chosen to do 21 days to narrow 3 different weeks into categories:

Week 1 focusing on the body and feeling great,                                                                      Week 2 focusing on the mind,                                                                                                    Week 3 focusing on connections and socialising.

Working on the body and self image is a great start to building  up confidence as well as starting to feel and look good. This gives yourself self love and energy, making you feel like you can do more and get out more!

Working on the mind is going to help become less stressed, clearing the negative things that are making us over think and solving  issue’s that are keeping us up at night. Giving our selves an easier day or week by becoming more organised and planning ahead. Trying to make life just that little bit easier, stress free with routines in place to keep focused and bring back some comfort and relaxation.

Lastly, re-connecting.  Keeping my self distant from the outside world only makes my anxiety worse especially when i get in a habit of staying in. The more i stay in the more frightening the outside word gets. Keeping up with friends and family is hard for me, but hopefully with this challenge i can get into a routine of seeing them regularly and start feeling a little more human again and stop that ‘alone’ feeling from returning.

Everything i have included in this challenge is based around how i feel and how i believe i can make my self feel better, as well as stopping my self from becoming isolated and depressed.  This challenge is all about staying physical, keeping nourished, feeling confident and comfortable, nurturing feelings, keeping organised, finding mental self care and keeping relationships.

Starting from tomorrow, 18.10.17, i’m going to start my challenge. Keeping up with regular updates of the progress. Feel free to take part if you think you could benefit from this, bearing in mind some adjustments may need to be made as again this has been made around my life and situations. Below you’ll find the link! Please connect and share your progress if participating!

21 day

21 day challenge

#selfcarechallenge #demijadeblog


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